Thanks for visiting this site. By way of exceedingly brief introduction, I am a lawyer in Chicago, and a longtime blogger. My blogs–from current to older-but-still-on-the-Internet–are as follows:
PejmanYousefzadeh.net. I don’t blog here nearly as much as I used to, but it is still an active blog, and it is my go-to site when I want to blog. My blog posts here are cross-posted at The Grumbling Hive, which is yet another blog that I maintain in order to reach the audience found on Medium. There is my Substack as well. Here is my tongue-in-cheek, yet factual bio.
PejmanYousefzadeh.tumblr.com. I post Instagram pictures, and such, here.
PejmanYousefzadeh.com. The actual blog is here. But remember, I no longer post new content to this particular blog.
A Chequer-Board of Nights and Days. Again, I no longer post new content here.
You can also find me on Twitter.
© Copyright: PEJMAN YOUSEFZADEH. All rights reserved.